Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Security Task Manager

Security Task Manager is a desktop application, produced by Neuber Software GmbH, based in Halle, Germany. It detects all tasks/processes running on the computer and displays their ranking according to their security risk rating. The user will at a glance see detailed report on each task/process and quarantine or remove spyware, malware, keyloggers, and Trojans. Along with the rating, the program shows other details including file path, file description, CPU usage graph, hidden functions, process type and more. Once a highly rated process is detected, the user can quarantine it by moving it to the isolated folder and deleting corresponding Autostart keys in the Windows Registry. The full version of Security Task Manager also features SpyProtector add-on tool that will help the user delete traces of Internet and computer activity and disable keyboard/mouse surveillance software. The program warns the user when the Autostart key in the Windows Registry is modified.

Security Task Manager was selected as Top Download Picks of 2005 by the Washington Post and PC World.

Security Task Manager is also mentioned in a book: "Malware Forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Code" and several security related sites

Download Security Task Manager

Process Monitor

Process Monitor is a free tool from Windows Sysinternals, part of the Microsoft TechNet website. The tool, as an alternative to Windows Task Manager, monitors and displays in real-time all file system activity on a Microsoft Windows operating system. It combines two older tools, FileMon and RegMon and is used in system administration, computer forensics, and application debugging.

Process Monitor monitors and records all actions attempted against the Microsoft Windows Registry. Process Monitor can be used to detect failed attempts to read and write registry keys. It also allows for filtering on specific keys, processes, process IDs, and values. In addition it shows how applications use files and DLLs, detects some critical errors in system files and more.

Download Process Monitor


Creating "Dearest-KO's" for fast killing processes or programs and save time.

ProcessKO is for professionals and experienced users, with very good PC know-how (knowledge) ! ProcessKO is a small useful tool to quickly kill a running or hanging process / program. It is not uncommon among developers or program-testers that the programs do not function properly or that you can not even close the programs (using the Taskmanager) usually its always the same candidates.

Creating "Dearest-KO's" for fast killing processes or programs! One knows this problem, especilly as developers / betatester: When a program freezes,than you call the task manager CTRL+ALT+DEL , and find that frozen program then you have to find and select the option "End Process", and finally you have to confirm the message, "Are you sure you want to terminate the process" with "yes". One can save many hand moves and also time ! Now it's easier then ever!...

Using this application, you will be able to manage all the running processes faster than ever! ProcessKO does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop. It's one smal / portable utility for Windows PC-s and is a small usb-stick friend.

Download ProcessKO

Process Explorer

Displays information regarding handles and DLLs processes that have opened or loaded

The Process Explorer application was developed to be an advanced process management utility that picks up where Task Manager leaves off. It will show you detailed information about a process including its icon, command-line, full image path, memory statistics, user account, security attributes, and more.

When you zoom in on a particular process you can list the DLLs it has loaded or the operating system resource handles it has open. A search capability enables you to track down a process that has a resource opened, such as a file, directory or Registry key, or to view the list of processes that have a DLL loaded.

The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window, which you can close, depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you will see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you will see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.

Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLs loaded. The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.

Command-Line Usage:
Process Explorer takes two options that modify its behavior:

Prompt for UAC elevation to restart with administrative rights if launched without administrative rights.

Select the process having the specified process ID after starting.

Start Process Explorer minimized in the tray.

Set Process Explorer's priority to realtime (r), high (h), normal (n), or low (l).

Download Process Explorer


HijackThis (HJT) is a freeware enumerating tool for Microsoft Windows originally created by Merijn Bellekom, and later sold to Trend Micro. The program is notable for targeting browser-hijacking methods, rather than relying on a database of known spyware. It scans a user's computer quickly, and displays browser hijacking locations, showing what entries are there. HijackThis is used primarily for diagnosis of browser hijacking, as uninformed use of its removal facilities can cause significant software damage to a computer. HijackThis does not remove or detect spyware; it lists most common locations where browser hijacking activity can occur. Browser hijacking can cause malware to be installed on a computer.

Download HijackThis


Use Pocket Killbox to erase programs that Windows Explorer doesn't allow you to remove

Pocket Killbox deletes files that cannot be erased from Windows Explorer.
Get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them.

Usage Information:

Download this file, extract it, and run the killbox.exe file. When it loads type the full path to the file you would like to delete in the field and press the Delete File button (looks like a red circle with a white X).

It will prompt you to reboot, allow it to do so, and hopefully your file will now be deleted.

Download Killbox

IceSword (Rootkit Indentification Software)

IceSword - A very useful rootkit scanner and system information utility

IceSword is a very powerful software application that will scan your computer for rootkits.

IceSword also displays all the hidden processes and resources of your system that you would never find in any other Windows Explorer like program.

IceSword will protect your computer against rootkits and won't allow them to infect your system.

Due to the great amount of information presented in the application, you can easily realize that IceSword was designed for more advanced users and advanced rootkit removal.

Download IceSword

GMER (Easily detect rootkits)

GMER is a software developed to help you detect rootkits.

GMER scans for:
· hidden processes
· hidden threads
· hidden modules
· hidden services
· hidden files
· hidden Alternate Data Streams
· hidden registry keys
· drivers hooking SSDT
· drivers hooking IDT
· drivers hooking IRP calls
· inline hooks

GMER also allows to monitor the following system functions:
· processes creating
· drivers loading
· libraries loading
· file functions
· registry entries
· TCP/IP connections

Download GMER

Ok Registry

Repair your registry problems

Ok Registry is an application created to help you detect and eliminate computer problems with the simplified user interface built for both computer newbies and experts. With the power of Ok Registry Cleaner V3.0, you can fix and compact your Registry files anytime, and are ensured a better PC performance you ever have.

Download Ok Registry

RegCure registry cleaner

Dramatically improve system performance with this utility

Protect your investment and ensure maximum PC speed and performance with the help of RegCure registry cleaner.

Compatible with all Microsoft products and third party applications, RegCure seeks out and repairs those issues in your registry that lead to poor performance such as remnants left behind on your registry from failed installations, incomplete un-installations, disabled drivers, and spyware applications.

Enhance your PC - enhance your life! Let RegCure reveal your system's true potential!

Download RegCure registry cleaner


Disables all the known 'Suspicious' Functions in Windows XP

XP-AntiSpy is a little utility that lets you disable some built-in update and authentication 'features' in WindowsXP.

For example, there's a service running in the background wich is called 'Automatic Updates'. I don`t know what this service transfers from my machine to other machines on the internet, especially the MS ones. So I play it safe and disable such functions.

If you like, you can even disable these function manually, by going through the System and checking or unchecking some checkboxes. This will take you approximately half an hour. But why wasting time when a little neat utility can do the same in 1 minute?

XP-Antispy was successfully tested by many users and was found to disable all the known 'Suspicious' Functions in WindowsXP.

Download XP-Antispy

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Cara Mengirim Email via Blackberry

Anda diminta dengan e-mail kosong yang Anda hanya perlu mengisi seperti yang akan Anda lakukan pada PC Anda.

3. Dalam To field, ketik nama penerima atau alamat e-mail.

Saat Anda mengetik, Anda akan melihat daftar kontak dari Buku Alamat Anda yang cocok dengan nama atau alamat yang Anda mengetik. Anda dapat membuat pilihan dari daftar ini.

4. Ketik subject and body pesan.

5. Ketika Anda selesai, tekan tombol menu dan pilih Kirim.

Forwarding e-mail

Bila Anda perlu berbagi e-mail penting dengan kolega atau teman, Anda dapat meneruskan e-mail. Cukup lakukan hal berikut:

1. Buka pesan e-mail yang ingin Anda teruskan.

2. Tekan tombol menu dan pilih Forward.
3. Ketik nama penerima atau alamat e-mail , dan kemudian menambahkan pesan .

Ketika Anda mulai mengetik nama penerima Anda, daftar drop-down dari kontak Anda muncul dan Anda dapat memilih dari itu.

4. Tekan tombol menu dan pilih Kirim.

Mengirim e-mail ke lebih dari satu orang

Bila Anda perlu mengirim e-mail ke lebih dari satu orang, anda hanya tinggal menambahkan nama penerima yang diperlukan. Anda juga dapat menambahkan nama penerima untuk menerima CC (carbon copy) atau BCC (blind carbon copy). Apakah Anda sedang menyusun sebuah e-mail baru, membalas, atau meneruskan e-mail, cara Anda menambahkan Cc baru dan bidang Bcc adalah sama.

Berikut adalah cara untuk mengirim e-mail ke lebih dari satu orang:

1. Buka aplikasi Pesan.

Pada layar home, tekan tombol menu, lalu pilih Pesan.

2. Tekan tombol menu dan pilih Buat Email.

3. Tentukan kolom untuk penerima e-mail dan kemudian tekan tombol kembali.

Dengan menekan tombol kembali, bidang lain Untuk ditambahkan secara otomatis di bawah pertama. Bidang Cc bekerja dengan cara yang sama.

4. Untuk menambahkan penerima Bcc, tekan tombol menu dan pilih Tambah Bcc:

Anda melihat Bcc:. Tentukan penerima Bcc dengan cara yang sama Anda lakukan Untuk dan penerima Cc.

5. Menulis e-mail, tambahkan subjek pos Anda, dan mengirimkannya.

Saving a draft e-mail

Anda dapat menyimpan komposisi e-mail sebagai konsep . Anda hanya perlu menekan tombol menu dan pilih Draft Simpan.

Ini menghemat e-mail sebagai draft. Bila Anda siap untuk mengirim pesan Anda, pilih draft dari daftar pesan. Pesan yang dalam bentuk draft memiliki ikon dokumen kecil; pesan selesai memiliki ikon amplop.

Cara Check BlackBerry Suspend Atau UnSuspend

Hati-hati kalau mau beli Blackberry di Indonesia karena banyak masalah dengan kasus PENCURIAN PIN Blackberry yang juga disebut Pin Cloning. Blackberry yang PIN nya kena suspend (blokir), tidak bisa digunakan sama sekali untuk Blackberry Messenger (BBM), browsing dan push email dan hanya bisa digunakan sebagai HP normal yaitu untuk call dan SMS

Di pasar Indonesia maupun di negara luar, ada yang membeli dan import Blackberry yang sudah tersuspend dari luar negeri untuk dijual di Indonesia. Karena PIN sudah tersuspend dan tidak bisa digunakan lagi untuk layanan Blackberry seperti biasanya.

Apa sih PIN BlackBerry itu ?
* PIN di BB itu adalah penanda unik yang membedakan BB milik kita dengan BB milik orang lain.
* PIN itu hampir sama kayak IMEI
* PIN itu hampir sama kayak YM ID, bisa dipake untuk ngobrol dengan PIN BB yg lain.

Buat apa sih PIN itu ?
* PIN adalah sama seperti “Username” dan “Password” kita untuk LOGIN atau CONNECT
* LOGIN/CONNECT ke mana? Ke “” alias ke RIM (servernya Blackberry) biasanya kita beli perpaket harian/mingguan/bulanan.
* Kalau bisa LOGIN/CONNECT, maka tulisan di BB bukan “GSM / gprs kecil / edge kecil” tapi “GPRS / EDGE”
Kalau sudah 3G ada tulisan 3G + logo BB, kalau cuma 3G saja tanpa logo BB itu artinya belum connect.
* Untuk berinternet dari BB saja (browsing, chatting), PIN tidak perlu didaftarkan ke [operator]
* Pendaftaran PIN + IMEI ke [operator] itu hanya untuk PUSHMAIL.

Apa itu PIN SUSPEND & Gejalanya ?
* Artinya kita tidak ada ijin untuk masuk “” atau nga bisa ber internet an
* BB masih bisa buat internet, tapi kena tarif GPRS (padahal kita sudah beli paketnya)
Caranya: Setting di “Options – Advanced Options – TCP” … nah tinggal masukin APN – Username – Password sesuai operator masing-masing.
* BB masih bisa buat telpon dan SMS.

Apa sih Penyebab PIN Suspend ?
1. BB diperdagangkan secara “ilegal”
2. BB dilaporkan sebagai barang curian telah di laporkan sebelumnya oleh yang punya BB bahwa BB nya hilang.
3. Rim dari BB punya alasan khusus untuk men-SUSPEND pin tersebut.

Amankah PIN saya ?
* Masukkan SIM card yg udah aktif layanan BB nya
* Buka [operator] dari BB/PC atau pilih icon “Email Settings” di BB
* Pilih “Create New Account”
* Lalu Masukkan PIN dan IMEI
* Kalau sudah aman langsung masuk ke menu, tapi kalau SUSPEND “PIN is Suspended”

Cara Cek PIN Saat Awal :
* Cek No pin dan imei di unit (Option-status)/Alt-Cap-H
* Cek No pin dan imei di tempat baterai
* Cek No pin dan imei di dus.
Pastikan ketiganya sama dan benar-benar asli bukan buatan sendiri (tempelan doang). Boleh ditambahkan untuk cek batere, kalo baru di lempengan timah tidak boleh ada titik/lecet apapun (soalnya banyak yang diganti bekas)

Cara berikut ini, BIS-nya harus aktif dulu atau paling tidak kartunya udah didaftarin!!!
Buka di (xxx=xl atau Indosat atu Telkomsel)

Lalu masuk Create NEW Account :
Waktu isi Pin dan imei dan klik next akan keluar tulisan :

1. Your device has not yet been registered with the network
Kondisi ini adalah UNSUSPEND karena pin dan imei masih fresh.

2. The Blackberry is registered with another provider/carrier
Ada 2 kondisi yaitu :
a. Memang pin dan imei fresh cuma biasanya dari luar negeri (luar provider kita)
b. Pin dan emai tidak fresh dan ada kemungkinan sudah di pakai di luar provider kita.
Langkah yang dilakukan adalah hidupkan BB-Option-STATUS lalu ketik BUYR. Kalo benar-benar baru Voice dan data usage harus 0 dan kalo isinya sudah exceeded, berarti BEKAS.
Tapi kalo isinya baru 2.5 kb (masih dikit) mungkin dibuka untuk kebutuhan unlock. Tapi usahakan cari yang 0
Kondisi ke-2 ini beresiko untuk suspend jadi usahakan minta GARANSI PIN SUSPEND (dalam arti kalo suspend ditukar)

3. Your Account is already registered …..
Ada 2 kondisi :
a. Barangnya barang bekas (refurbished) dan udah pernah dipake dg provider kita (cek BUYR untuk memastikan)
b. Atau barang baru (BUYR=0) tapi pinnya udah diclone dan didaftarkan ke provider kita.
Kondisi 3 ini beresiko untuk suspend jadi usahakan minta GARANSI PIN SUSPEND (dalam arti kalo suspend ditukar)

4. Your Account is SUSPENDED……
Ngga bisa untuk BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) tapi hanya Tlp dan sms doang (atau sekarang yang lagi ngetrend ” your pin and imei is INVALID…”)
Rekomendasi : JANGAN DIBELI !!!!!!

AFAIK (As Far As I Know) kondisi suspend dikarenakan :
1. Kondisi PIN dan IMEI telah tercloning di tempat laen
2. Barang hasil curian
3. Barang yang belinya dengan sistem kontrak di luar negeri tapi di bawa kabur ke sini
4. Ada masalah hukum lainnya.

* Simpan pin dan imei anda (dusnya disimpen).
* Jangan sering pinjemkan BB anda.
* Jangan sering menshare pin ke orang yang ngga jelas atau di Facebook, dll
* Beli di operator resmi
* Beli di toko rekomendasi
* Beli di toko yang ada internet untuk cek semua di atas
* Jangan mau kalo di kasih yg tombolnya AZERTY atau QWERTZ, cari yang QWERTY (lebih mudah utk ngecek aja)

Test International Number Plans :
Untuk test apakah Imei BB anda sesuai dengan jenis BB anda. Hal ini untuk memastikan kalo ternyata beda berarti BB anda hasil kloningan.

Netstat XP

Netstat XP application it can show any open ports in your computer and the application which opened, I have completed with Client-server telnet, traceroute, and to test your firewall with simple flooder. I think it is important to know how good your network by this simple attack. Please don't make it is harmfull for another computer. It's only a reference and test application. It's only running in Windows XP version and upper XP application, it can show any open ports in your computer and the application which opened, I have completed with Client-server telnet, traceroute, and to test your firewall with simple flooder. I think it is important to know how good your network by this simple attack. Please don't make it is harmfull for another computer. It's only a reference and test application. It's only running in Windows XP version and upper

Download Netstat XP


ShareWatch is a software that will allow you to see who is connected to a computer and what files they are accessing.

Have you ever wondered why your hard drive or modem is active, but you aren't doing anything to cause it to be active? It is possible a remote user is accessing your computer.

Have you ever had a file locked but you don't know why? ShareWatch can tell you if a network user is using the file and allows you to disconnect them so that you can edit/delete the file.

Have you ever wanted to shutdown a computer, but don't want to drop people using the computer. ShareWatch will show you all resources in use by remote users.

Here are some key features of "ShareWatch":

· Watch shares on local and remote servers.
· Shows the users and computers that are connected to each share, along with what files are open.
· Allows you to disconnect any file, user, computer, or share.
· Address book lookup to show you the details about each user connected (this feature is turned off by default)
· Computer lookup to show you both the computer name and IP address of the computers connected.
· Can be run as a tray application.
· Supports top-most and transparency.
· Works on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003.
· Multithreaded to allow servers to be queried independently from each other while not blocking each other or the user

Download ShareWatch


Watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process.

SocketSniff allows you to watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process.

For each created socket, SocketSniff will display the following information: socket handle, socket type, local and remote ports, local and remote addresses, total number of send/receive bytes and much more.

You can also watch the content of each send or receive call, in Ascii mode or as Hex Dump.

Download SocketSniff

Netstat Viewer

Netstat Viewer is a handy GUI replacement for command line app netstat

Netstat Viewer is a useful graphic user interface replacement for the command line application netstat.

The netstat command displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP over IPv6, and UDP over IPv6 protocols).

Download Netstat Viewer

NetStat Agent

NetStat Agent is a powerful and extremely useful network tool for monitoring and diagnosing. NetStat Agent includes useful network tools such as ping, traceroute, ipconfig, netstat, DNS query (nslookup), whois, arp, route and HTTP checker, but in a clean graphical interface.

NetStat Agent allows network administrators to monitor TCP and UDP connections, diagnose connection settings, troubleshoot network configuration, and obtain information about network resources such as remote hosts and domain names.

The built-in Whois tool queries domain names for exact information about their owner, and allows checking whether a domain name is taken or still available without visiting any domain registrar's Web sites.

Download NetStat Agent

Retina Conficker Scanner

The Conficker worm utilizes a variety of attack vectors to transmit and receive payloads, including: software vulnerabilities (e.g. MS08-067), portable media devices (e.g. USB thumb drives and hard drives), as well as leveraging endpoint weaknesses (e.g. weak passwords on network-enabled systems). The Conficker worm will also spawn remote access backdoors on the system and attempt to download additional malware to further infect the host.

Read more: Retina Network Security Scanner - Conficker Worm - Free software downloads and software reviews

Download Retina Conficker Scanner

Conficker Detection Tool

The Conficker worm may have infected more machines than originally thought, according to PC World. If the worm is successfully exploited, it could give hackers easy access to your system by allowing remote code execution when file sharing is enabled.

McAfee has developed a Conficker detection tool that you can use to quickly identify infected systems and machines. If you find infected machines, you should patch and reboot them to clean the system. Once clean, the machines should be rebooted again to prevent reinfection.

Download Conficker Detection Tool

Winsock Repair

Reset / repair the Winsock configuration to defaults or clean state

Most of the Internet connectivity problems arise out of corrupt Winsock settings. Windows sockets settings may get corrupted due to the installation of a networking software, or perhaps due to Malware infestation.

You will be able connect to the Internet, but the packets won’t transfer back and forth. And errors such as Page cannot be displayed may occur when using Internet Explorer.

The Rizone Winsock Repair application was designed to be a small tool that will help you to reset / repair the Winsock configuration to defaults or clean state. It will help if you are having any of the following problems:

- Internet or network problem after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, trojan horse, etc.
- Loss network connection after installing/uninstalling adware, spyware, antispam, vpn, firewall or other networking programs.
- Unable to access any webpage or can only access some webpages.
- Pop-up error window with network related problem description.
- No network connectivity due to registry errors.
- DNS lookup problem.
- Fail to renew the network adapter’s IP address or other DHCP errors.
- Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message.
- Other networking problems.

Download Winsock Repair


Dial-a-fix description:

Dial-a-fix tackles issues with SSL/Cryptography, Windows Update, Microsoft Installer, and many miscellaneous shell problems. Example: If you get a blank screen when trying to visit Windows Update, simply checkmark the main Windows Update checkmark and click GO. Most issues can be resolved in a similar manner, if not by combinations of fixes. There is also a 'check all' button which is useful as a last ditch effort, or when you don't understand where a particular problem is coming from.

Dial-a-fix is a collection of 'known fixes' that have been compiled over the past year that really knock out some serious Windows problems, all with one or two clicks. "When in doubt, check 'em all".

Most of the fixes Dial-a-fix uses are found in various Microsoft Knowledgebase articles, and articles written by Microsoft MVPs. When you see a list of DLLs that need to be registered using REGSVR32.EXE, chances are they are already list...

Download Dial-a-fix


RegSeeker - manage your Windows Registry

RegSeeker is a perfect companion for your Windows registry !

RegSeeker provides a powerful registry cleaner and can display various informations like your startup entries, several histories (even index.dat files), installed applications and much more !

With RegSeeker you can search for any item inside your registry, export/delete the results, open them in the registry. RegSeeker also includes a tweaks panel to optimize your OS !

RegSeeker is FREE for personal use only !

Download RegSeeker

FCleaner Portable

Portable Way To Clean And Optimize Windows

FCleaner Portable has the same functions as FCleaner, the all-in-one Windows cleaning and optimization tool. The big difference between them is FCleaner Portable can be used in a portable way. You can carry it with you on a portable hard drive, USB flash disk or any other portable storage gadgets, and run it on any Windows PC without installation.


· 5MB Hard Disk
· U3 USB drive, for the U3 version

What's New in This Release:

· New feature 'Clean up deleted items from Windows Recycle Bin according to days automatically'
· New feature to show detailed analyzing/cleaning report of Windows Recycle Bin
· Improved the cleaners for Windows Recycle Bin
· Add new entries 'lbl_RecycleBin', 'lbl_RecycleBin2' and 'msg_RecycleBinEx' to language file
· Some other small tweaks

Download FCleaner Portable

CCleaner Portable

The normal CCleaner program, but it doesn't require installing

To install CCleaner Portable extract the ZIP file to a folder of your choice on a flash drive or burn the files to a CD or DVD.

Start the CCleaner by double-clicking on portable.exe instead of CCleaner.exe and use CCleaner normally.

Cleans the following:
· Internet Explorer
Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.

· Firefox
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.

· Google Chrome
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.

· Opera
Temporary files, history, cookies.

· Safari
Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.

· Windows
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.

· Registry cleaner
Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.

· Third-party applications
Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...

Download CCleaner Portable

ATF Cleaner

ATF Cleaner is a personal and easy-to-use temp file removal software.

Here are some key features of "ATF Cleaner":

· Cleaning of all user temp folders, administrator only can use this feature.
· Cleaning of the Java cache, which seems to be harbouring more and more malware
· Cleaning for the Opera browser, including Operas cache, cookies, history, download history, saved passwords and visited links

Download ATF Cleaner


A full featured WinRAR for users on-the-go. WinRAR Unplugged works without installation from devices like USB/Flash drives

WinRAR Unplugged, latest addition to the series of the leading, multi-platform compression RAR tools, is a full featured WinRAR application for users on-the-go. WinRAR Unplugged works without installation from devices like USB/Flash drives, external hard drives etc.

With WinRAR Unplugged, you can use WinRAR anywhere. When you place WinRAR Unplugged on an external device like a USB/Flash drive or an external hard drive, you can use it (including your profiles,
AV-Code, themes, etc.) anywhere a Windows PC is available.

Furthermore, WinRAR Unplugged offers you complete storage and backup solution. You can now take WinRAR Unplugged with you on your external drives and manage your data anywhere you go!

Using WinRAR Unplugged ensures that your personal data is safe. When you remove the device with WinRAR Unplugged, all your information is secure and leaves with you.

The personal license key for WinRAR is also valid for WinRAR Unplugged! So all registered WinRAR users can now use WinRAR Unplugged at no additional cost.

In addition to all the above features, WinRAR Unplugged also supports 7 interchangeable languages in one version!

Supported languages are: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese and simplified Chinese.

Download WinRAR

Your Uninstaller! Pro 2010 + serials

Uninstall Windows applications easily and completely.

You've probably encountered some stubborn programs that just won't uninstall at all or uninstall completely, right? And, more often than not, when you use the Windows Add/Remove Program utility, there are remnants or "artifacts" of the program left behind in the system registry and on your hard drive that are no longer needed.

These useless items will bog your PC down and, over time, it will get slower and slower lugging around this useless baggage - unexpected errors and frequent crashes may also occur because of this!

Your Uninstaller! will solve these problems. It removes any installed program and clears all the left-behind traces - no more 'junk artifacts' remaining. Whenever you uninstall a program, Your Uninstaller! removes it completely! This application will not leave absolutely anything after uninstalling your programs.

Here are some key features of "Your Uninstaller! Pro 2010":

· Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
· Advanced Uninstall mode to fix Microsoft Installer problems.
· System wide scan for unused files and registry keys after normal uninstall.
· Hunter mode uninstall, hunts the programs and kill / uninstall / delete them.
· Groups installed applications with various groups.
· Never uninstall "must have" applications. (options)
· Shows all applications installed on your computer with different views.
· Uninstalls screen savers.
· Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster!
· Built-in Trace Eraser removes surfing traces so no one knows your hobby.
· Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer.
· Built-in take full control of Window startups.
· Built-in helps you keep your Start Menu clean.
· Backup and restore installed-applications.
· Powerful "Type and Go" search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
· Detect invalid installations and remove them with one click.
· Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry (care to use!).
· Quickload mode loads programs extremely fast.
· Give detailed report about any installed applications.
· Export programs list to file or printer.

Download Your Uninstaller! Pro 2010 + serials

XP Quick Fix Plus

Portable, small and fast, a must have on every computer

There are a lot of excellent free Windows comprehensive repairing and fixing tools around the internet. But there are times when you want just one quick fix for example when you are under a virus attack and you just want to enable the Task Manager or the Registry Editor so you can fight the virus back, or when some new installation changed your XP behavior and My Documents opens on every start up.

The XP Quick Fix Plus application provides 40 common Windows XP problems fixes. Portable, small and fast, a must have on every computer and with a small extra, a command line utility to fix 6 common problems directly from command line !

Note ! There can be a problem with the same symptoms as described in XP Quick Fix, but it happened because of a different reason, in this case, XP Quick Fix, may not solve the problem but also will not harm your computer.

In a case there is no way to run XP Quick Fix Plus from Windows or if you need to run the fix from a batch file or script, there is a simple command line utility (QFC.EXE) included in the original zip file, only 38kb.

Open a command line (cmd.exe), change directory to the program folder and run QFC.EXE with the parameters:

QFC /t - quick enable the Task Manager
QFC /r - quick enable the Rgistry Editor
QFC /f - quick enable the Folder Options
QFC /e - quick restore the Run Dialog
QFC /p - quick restore My Computer Properties
QFC /x - Quick fix Windows can't run exe files

Note ! parameters are case sensitive.
Note ! You can run only one parameter at a time.

Download XP Quick Fix Plus


Unlocker is a tool that can trace and "unlock" the locking protection commonly used in system files. However, its main use is to terminate the processes that are using a certain file, or force the processes to stop using the file, so the user can safely delete, rename or move the file. It is written by the French programmer Cedrick 'Nitch' Collomb and the latest version is 1.9.1.


Unlocker is a GUI application with the feature of command-line interface through an administrative console. It can unload application extensions, terminate processes, as well as force a process to stop using a certain file (This function is called "Unlock" in the program itself). Also a portable variant of the program is available.
There are several analogues of the product.

Download unlocker

Glary Utilities


Clean up and repair

Disk Cleaner
Removes junk data from the disks and recovers disk space.
Registry Cleaner
Cleans up the registry to improve the system's performance.
Shortcut Fixer
Corrects the errors in the start menu and desktop shortcuts.
Uninstall Manager
Uninstalls programs completely that the user doesn't need any more.

Optimize and improve

Startup Manager
Manages programs which run automatically on startup.
Memory Optimizer
Monitors and optimizes free memory in the background.
Context Menu Manager
Manages the context-menu entries for files, folders and actions.
Registry De-fragment
De-fragments the Windows registry to speed up the computer.

Privacy and security

Tracks Eraser
Erases all the traces, evidences, cookies, internet history and more.
File Shredder
Erases files permanently so that nothing can recover them.
File Undelete
Quick and effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files.
File Encrypter and Decrypter
Protects the users files from unauthorized use.

Files and folders

Disk Analysis
Shows you the disk space usage of the users files and folders.
Duplicate Files Finder
Searches for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files.
Empty Folder Finder
Finds and removes empty folders in the computer.
File Splitter and Joiner
Sp;its large files into smaller manageable files, and then re-joins them.

System tools

Process Manager
Monitors running processes and optionally stops them.
Internet Explorer Assistant
Manages Internet Explorer Add-ons and restores hijacked settings.
System Information
Collects information about the user's hardware and software.
Windows Standard Tools
Provides direct access to the useful windows default functions.

Download Glary Utilities


Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education. Originally named Ethereal, in May 2006 the project was renamed Wireshark due to trademark issues.

Wireshark is cross-platform, using the GTK+ widget toolkit to implement its user interface, and using pcap to capture packets; it runs on various Unix-like operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, and Solaris, and on Microsoft Windows. There is also a terminal-based (non-GUI) version called TShark. Wireshark, and the other programs distributed with it such as TShark, are free software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


Wireshark is very similar to tcpdump, but has a graphical front-end, plus some integrated sorting and filtering options. Wireshark allows the user to put the network interfaces that support promiscuous mode into that mode, in order to see all traffic visible on that interface, not just traffic addressed to one of the interface's configured addresses. On Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X, with libpcap 1.0.0 or later, Wireshark 1.4 and later can also put Wi-Fi adapters into monitor mode.

Download Wireshark

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Teamviewer portable V.6

Secara umum teamviewer adalah software untuk me remote atau mengendalikan pc dari jarak jauh tanpa kita perlu tahu IP nya, yg kita perlu tahu adalah ID teamviewer pc yang akan kita remote dan password nya, karena teamviewer di kendalikan oleh teamviewer server. TeamViewer dapat dijalankan pada PC dengan syarat pada kedua PC tersebut memiliki TeamViewer dengan versi sama.

Cara menggunakan Teamviewer
  • Buka program tersebut, disana akan terlihat dua bagian. Pada bagian “Wait for session” dibawahnya terdapat ID dan Password. Jika anda belum melihat nomor ID dan passwordnya, itu tandanya program sedang tes koneksi dan menentukan ID komputer anda dan juga password untuk komputer anda agar bisa diremote oleh komputer lainnya. Jika sudah tampil nomornya, maka itulah “identitas” anda. Lalu pada bagian kanannya yang bernama “Create Session“, kotak tersebut diisikan untuk koneksi ke komputer Remote. Lakukanlah hal yang sama pada komputer yang lainnya. Nah, disini anda tentukan mana komputer yang digunakan sebagai remote dan mana yang difungsikan sebagai remoter. Remoter maksudnya komputer yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan komputer remote.
  • masukkan ID komputer remote pada bagian “Create Session“. Saya mengamsusikan anda telah mengetahui ID dan Password dari komputer remote anda. Lalu pada bagian bawah, tentukan tentukan 4 opsi yang ada. Apakah Remote support, Presentation, File transfer, atau VPN. Lalu klik tombol Connect to Partner.
  • Masukkan password komputer remote kita.
  • Anda siap untuk menggunakannya.
Program ini memiliki 4 fitur utama yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk keperluan remote komputer. Berikut penjelasannya.

Remote support

Fitur ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menggunakan komputer yang dituju secara remote. Ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk penggunaan komputer secara jarak jauh. Entah itu untuk mengedit Video kita, membaca dokumen, membuat dokumen, browsing, chatting, dan segala yang bisa kita lakukan saat kita menggunakan komputer. Namun bedanya kita tidak berada didepan komputer tersebut.


Fitur ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk presentasi jarak jauh. Apa-apa yang kita lakukan pada komputer kita, maka orang yang terhubung dengan kita bisa melihat apa yang kita lakukan.

File transfer

Anda pernah mencoba menggunakan program FTP? Kira-kira seperti itulah kegunaan fitur ini. Kita bisa mencopy dari komputer kita ke komputer remote kita ataupun sebaliknya. Bedanya dengan FTP, fitur ini mengakses komputer yang ada nun jauh disana, sedangkan FTP umumnya mengakses server untuk keperluan hosting.


Sesuai namanya, VPN (Virtual Private Network) yaitu suatu istilah yang ada dalam dunia jaringan komputer yang merupakan jalur pribadi yang saling terhubung antar komputer. Namun walau bernama jalur pribadi, tetapi tetap menggunakan media jaringan komputer yang umum seperti Internet.

Download TeamViewer portable Disini


PowerISO adalah perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk memroses berkas gambar (file images) pada CD / DVD, sehingga dengan PowerISO memungkinkan pengguna (user) untuk membuka, mengekstrak, membuat, menyunting (edit), mengompres, mengenkripsi, memecah dan mengkonversi berkas-berkas (file-file) ISO (format berkas), serta me-mount berkas-berkas dengan virtual drive internal. Hal ini dapat memproses hampir semua berkas gambar CD-ROM termasuk ISO dan BIN (format berkas).

Download power ISO

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Trik Cara Mempercepat Browser BlackBerry Internetan di BlackBerry

Walau tidak punya BlackBerry, tapi setidaknya saya bisa memberikan anda sedikit tips untuk problematika ponsel BB anda. Sebenarnya sich ini bukan termasuk problematika, hanya ketidaknyamaanan yang tingkatannya sangat kecil. Dan kebiasaan orang bilang bahwa browser BlackBerry terkesan sangat lemot atau lambat dalam membuka konten web.

Ada cara singkat mempercepat browser BlackBerry tanpa harus menggunakan biaya tambahan. Cukup melakukan beberapa perubahan dari pengaturan anda bisa menikmati layanan internet via BlackBerry dengan lebih mudah dan cepat tanpa gangguan lemotnya sang browser.

saya hanya mengutip dari sumber yang ada di internet, bukan merupakan trik asli milik saya karena seperti yang saya bilang tadi bahwa saya tidak mempunyai ponsel BB.

Okelah, berikut selengkapnya tentang bagaimana cara mempercepat browser BlackBerry.
  1. Buka Browser, klik menu, lalu ke Options, setelah itu ke Browser Configuration: lakukan un check ? JavaScript box
  2. Ke Browser, klik menu, lalu ke Options setelah itu ke General Properties, cari Image Quality, pilih Low (faster)
  3. Ke Browser, klik menu, lalu ke Options setelah itu ke General Properties, cari Repeat Animations setting. Defaults nya adalah 100, rubah menjadi 10
  4. ke Browser, klik menu, lalu ke Options setelah itu ke Cache Operations, lakukan Clear History: Content Cache, Pushed Content dan Cookie Cache

Sangat simpel, bukan? gimana? udah tambah cepet belon broswernya?

Cara Menambah Icon lucu di SMS Blackberry

Buat kamu pengguna blackberry atau khususnya yang masih baru pake blackberry banyak tips dan trik atau juga cara tersembunyi di gadget canggih kamu. Cara Menambah Icon lucu di SMS Blackberry adalah salah satunya. Cara Menambah Icon lucu di SMS Blackberry bisa kamu gunakan saat sms sehingga sms kamu akan tampil beda dibandingkan sms kamu sebelumnya. Cara Menambah Icon lucu di SMS Blackberry

Sebuah aplikasi menarik bernama CrunchSMS akan memberikan kepada kamu untuk Cara Menambah Icon lucu di SMS Blackberry, sehingga SMS kamu akan lebih menarik. Selain itu, dengan CrunchSMS, tampilan SMS di Inbox kamu akan lebih menarik karena berbentuk Bubble sehingga akan tampak seperti percakapan di komik-komik. Keistimewaan lain dari CrunchSMS adalah tidak adanya limit karakter untuk SMS, jadi kamu bisa leluasa menulis SMS lebih dari 160 karakter. Kamu bisa download CrunchSMS lewat Blackberry App World langsung di Blackberry kamu.

kamu dapat men-download crunchSMS ke PC kamu dan memasukan-nya ke ponsel kamu dengan menggunakan BlackBerry Desktop Manager. Pertama, memeriksa apa versi OS yang kamumiliki. Pada telepon kamu, masuk ke Pilihan Tentang

klik link di bawah ini untuk Download crunch sms blackberry:

Tips & Trik Membeli BlackBerry Bekas

Siapa yang tidak mau membeli BlackBerry Baru. Tetapi karena dana yang terbatas, segelintir orang akan tertarik dengan BlackBerry bekas pakai. Tidak semua BlackBerry bekas pakai itu jelek kondisinya. Akan tetapi biasanya dengan harga yang jauh dibawah harga BlackBerry baru, maka akan menjadi daya tarik bagi si pembeli untuk meminang BlackBerry bekas.

Sedikit mengenai smartphone BlackBerry, BlackBerry itu punya identitas lain selain IMEI yaitu PIN. Dimana PIN tersebut digunakan untuk berkomunikasi seperti BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) atau pun PIN message. Banyak sekarang ini yang menjual BlackBerry bekas tetapi tidak jelas asal muasalnya. Yang ditakutkan adalah BlackBerry tersebut merupakan PIN cloning atau PIN tersebut bukan bawaan asli dari RIM. Apa kerugian yang didapat? PIN cloning dapat menyebabkan BlackBerry tersebut di suspend oleh RIM sehingga BlackBerry tersebut tidak bisa diaktifkan untuk layanan BIS-nya.

Bagaimana caranya kita mengetahui BlackBerry tersebut memang tidak bermasalah?

  • Pastikan BlackBerry tersebut mempunyai identitas IMEI, PIN yang sama dengan yang tertera di dus, didalam tempat memasang baterai dan juga di status ketika BlackBerry tersebut dinyalakan. Usahakan membeli BlackBerry bekas lengkap semua kelengkapannya
  • Pastikan juga BlackBerry tersebut tidak pernah terjatuh bisa terlihat dari housing apakah ada baret, penyok dan sebagainya.
  • Apakah BlackBerry tersebut pernah tersiram air? Bisa dilihat di stiker indicator air yang biasanya terletak pada sisi dalam tempat memasang baterai. Apabila berwarna putih berarti belum terkena air. Apabila berwarna merah, positif pernah terkena air. Tetapi tidak menjadi jaminan,bisa jadi memang sudah pernah diganti housing-nya sehingga tidak tampak pernah terkena air.
  • Cek dengan menggunakan kartu GSM dengan kondisi BIS Aktif. Disini akan terlihat apakah BlackBerry anda suspend atau tidak. Apabila terkoneksi "GPRS" maka seharusnya BlackBerry Anda aman dari suspend. Tapi apabila "gprs", maka patut dipertanyakan apakah ini suspend atau tidak. Pastikan ketika melakukan pengetesan jaringan sedang dalam kondisi normal.
  • Pastikan BlackBerry bekas yang Anda beli bukan BlackBerry dari hasil colongan. Karena apabila bekas colongan, ditakutkan akan di Bom PIN message dari teman-teman pemilik sebelumnya yang kecopetan. Maksud dari Bom PIN adalah pengiriman PIN message secara berulang-ulang hingga ribuan kali sehingga membuat BlackBerry anda menjadi berat dan isinya penuh dengan pesan bahwa BlackBerry ini colongan.

Sedikit panduan diatas mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi acuan bagi Anda yang ingin membeli BlackBerry bekas pakai. Meskipun tidak menjamin 100% akurat tetapi apabila memang mau membeli BlackBerry bekas, usahakan BlackBerry tersebut jelas kepemilikan sebelumnya, atau ajaklah teman Anda yang mengerti mengenai BlackBerry. Karena jaman sekarang banyak sekali yang mengambil kesempatan untuk melakukan penipuan dalam menjual BlackBerry bekas.

Cara Mudah untuk Unlock Blackberry Curve 9000/9700/8900/8800/8300

Cara mudah untuk unlock blackberry Curve 9000/9700/8900/8800/8300 dengan cara mengikuti petunjuk yang ada di bawah ini.
Pastikan Anda mengikuti petunjuk ini atau ditawarkan dengan kode pembuka kunci Anda, dengan benar. Jika Anda salah memasukkan kode pembuka kunci salah lima kali, perangkat akan secara permanen ke pembawa kunci yang bermerek itu. Anda harus memiliki kartu SIM di telepon Anda untuk menyelesaikan langkah-langkah ini:

1. Go to settings menu => and then Options.

2. Select Advanced options => and then Sim card.

3. Type MEPD using your Blackberry keyboard (NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing MEPD).

4. Type MEP then [ALT BUTTON] then 2 on your Blackberry keyboard (NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing MEPD).

5. You should be presented with a prompt “Enter Network MEP Code”. Type in the unlock code and press in the track wheel / jog dial to confirm.

6. Your phone is now unlocked.

Tips Membeli Blackberry Baru

Ada kalanya kita sering tertipu dengan pembelian BB di counter HP , dimana penjual berkata itu asli , padahal sudah refurbish , alias bekas pakai .
Nih ada tips buat kalian , silahkan di coba ..

1. Status apakah benar2 Brand New in Box (baru),

* Ketikan dengan CAPSLOCK dinyalakan BUYR
* akan tampil Data Usage dan Voice Usage
* jika data Usage melebihi 250K (exceeded 250K), sudah dapat dipastikan bukan barang baru
* jika keterangan voice Usage: melebihi 1 Minute, sudah dapat dipastikan bukan barang baru

2. Status apakah UNLOCK/LOCKED

* dari OPTION > Advanced Options > SIM CARD
* ketikan dengan CAPSLOCK dinyalakan MEPD
* pastikan seluruh value status:
* SIM, network, network subset, service provider, Corporate dalam kondisi DISABLED
* jika ada yang ENABLED, atau bahkan semuanya ENABLED, berarti status LOCKED

3. Untuk check seluruh kondisi fisikal dan fungsi blackberry (butuh waktu banyak),

* Ketikan dengan CAPSLOCK dinyalakan TEST
* jalankan semua test (centang) dan NEXT.


1. Beli produk bundel

Menurut Corporate Communications Telkomsel Suryanda Stevanus, cara paling aman ialah membeli handset BlackBerry yang bergaransi resmi operator mitra BlackBerry di Indonesia seperti Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Axis dan Tri. Alternatif lain ialah beli di dealer resmi BlackBerry seperti Teletama Artha Mandiri.

2. Kenali istilah

Jika harus membeli handset BlackBerry di luar operator, Anda sebaiknya mengenali istilah brand new in box (BNIB), 14 hari, refurbished dan bekas (second). BNIB berarti ponsel benar-benar baru dan masih dalam kemasan bersegel. BlackBerry 14 hari adalah barang baru yang dikembalikan pembelinya karena suatu alasan. Kemasan BlackBerry 14 hari biasanya sudah tidak bersegel dan terbuka. Sedangkan refurbished adalah handset BlackBerry yang dikemas ulang dengan casing, boks dan perlengkapan lain seperti baru. Dan, BlackBerry bekas ialah ponsel yang sudah pernah dipakai. Sebelum membeli, tanyakan status ponsel kepada penjual karena akan berpengaruh pula terhadap harga jual.

3. Perhatikan PIN dan IMEI

Pastikan nomor PIN dan IMEI yang ada di handset BlackBerry sama dengan PIN dan IMEI yang ada di kardus pembungkus. Untuk melihat PIN dan IMEI yang ada di handset BlackBerry bisa dilihat di stiker yang terdapat di bagian belakang setelah baterai dilepas atau melalui menu Option-Status/Alt+Cap+H.

4. Cek menu option-status

Untuk mengecek apakah BlackBerry benar-benar baru dan bukan refurbished, hidupkan BlackBerry, lalu masuk ke menu Option-Status. Setelah itu, ketik BUYR. Di menu tersebut akan muncul ‘Data Usage’ dan ‘Voice Usage’. Jika ponsel masih baru, ‘Data Usage’ dan ‘Voice Usage’ akan berisi angka nol atau mendekati 0. Jika angka yang muncul tergolong masih sedikit, misal 2,5 Kb, BlackBerry mungkin dibuka untuk kebutuhan unlock.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Tips Menghemat baterai BlackBerry

Menghemat baterai BlackBerry – Gadget seperti BlackBerry pastinya membutuhkan banyak energi untuk mendukung kinerjanya. BB user pasti sangat tahu akan hal ini. Untuk memaksimalkan kinerja fitur Blackberry (browser push, dukungan 3G & 2G, aplikasi BBM, koneksi real-time, dan fitur-fitur lainnya) tentu saja membutuhkan daya yang lebih banyak.

Baterai BlackBerry sendiri sebenarnya telah dioptimalkan untuk mendukung segala fitur tersebut. Namun tetap saja kondisi baterai akan menurun seiring dengan masa penggunaannya. Berbeda dengan kondisi baterai BB saat masih baru, dimana baterai tersebut bisa bertahan selama 2-3 hari.

Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi daya tahan baterai BlackBerry, seperti tingkat penggunaan/aktivitas, serta pengaturan (setting) pada BlackBerry itu sendiri. So, melakukan sedikit perubahan pada pengaturan Blackberry tentu saja dapat memperpanjang daya tahan baterai, tanpa harus menurunkan volume aktivitas BlackBerry yang umumnya memang sangat padat, alias tak pernah lepas dari genggaman

10 tips menghemat baterai BlackBerry

Untuk menghemat baterai BB, sekaligus memperpanjang umur baterai, cukup dengan mengubah beberapa pengaturan pada Options. Apa saja yang harus diset? Berikut adalah 10 pengaturan yang harus diset agar baterai BlackBerry sobat bisa digunakan lebih lama.

1. Kurangi tingkat kecerahan layar/backlight brightness (screen brightness). Tinkat kecerahan yang paling minimum pada BlackBerry pun masih ‘cukup terang’ untuk digunakan. Untuk mengaturnya, masuk Option –> Screen/Keyboard, kemudian atur Backlight Brightness menjadi 20 atau 10. Sesuaikan saja dengan kenyamanan sobat.

2. Atur backlight timout secepat mungkin. Masuk Option –> Screen/Keyboard, ubah nilai Backlight Timeout menjadi 10 Sec/Detik.

3. Matikan beberapa fitur yang sedang tidak digunakan, seperti wi-fi, bluetooth dan GPS.

4. Nonaktifkan fungsi seperti LED indicator dan keypad tone.

5. Gunakan network atau signal 3G hanya untuk waktu-waktu tertentu saja, misalnya saat ingin men-download file berukuran besar (>2 MB) atau saat benar-benar dibutuhkan. Di luar itu, gunakan saja network 2G (EDGE), apalagi saat BB sedang nganggur atau jika ingin tidur di malam hari. Hal ini akan sangat menghemat baterai, karena yang paling membutuhkan banyak energi adalah saat BB searching dan mengakses jaringan 3G. Ubah pengaturannya di Option –> Mobile Network dan ubah Network Mode menjadi 2G.

6. Gunakan theme BB yang ringan dan tanpa animasi berlebihan.

7. Tutuplah aplikasi dari pihak ketiga (third party) jika sedang tidak digunakan (ex: Facebook, Ubuntu, Twitter, Games, dll). Tutup aplikasi tersebut dengan tombol Escape atau melalui menu dan pilih close, bukannya dengan menekan tombol End, karena jika menggunakan tombol End maka aplikasi tidak akan tertutup dan tetap berjalan di background.

8. Tidak perlu menggunakan mode getar dan ringtone bersamaan. Menggunakannya secara bersamaan membutuhkan daya baterai yang cukup besar. Gunakan salah satunya saja, dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.

9. Hapus aplikasi yang tidak/sangat jarang digunakan. Selain membuat baterai tidak cepat terkuras, ini juga akan menghemat memory. Masuk Option -> Advance option -> Application, kemudian delete/hapus aplikasi yang tidak perlu.

10. Sesuaikan pengaturan pada Profile sehemat mungkin. Atur volume, lampu LED, vibrate/getar sehemat mungkin untuk SMS, MMS, BBM alert, email, Message, dan peringatan notifikasi lainnya.

Itulah beberapa cara menghemat baterai Blackberry yang bisa dilakukan. Hemat baterai tidak lantas mengurangi aktivitas lho. Karena tips hemat baterai BB di atas hanya pada pengaturan handheld, dengan cara mengurangi penggunaan fitur-fitur lain yang kurang penting.

Most Wanted