Kamis, 29 September 2011

Top 15 Free Online File Storage Sites

Following our coverage of online file storage Box.net which just became a little more social, here are 15 more free online storage sites which you can use for storing, sharing and backing up your important files.

A big online storage where Internet users store their text, audio, video, photo, and other files and share them, if they wish, with other people. Offers 5GB of free storage for document files (doc, txt, pdf, rtf, xls), music file (mp3, ogg, wav, mid), video file (avi, mpg, mpeg), image file (jpg, gif, bmp, png)

Offiers up to 5GB of file storage, mobile file upload through Snapit.mobi, share your photos, add music & videos, create direct links to download and access files to email, IM, web pages, and forum.

Allows you to store files online securely and offers 1GB of storage space. Uploading/Downloading of files is limited to 50MB.

Offers simple drag and drop file management system; lets you synchronize your Humyo folder to your PC; secured file management vault. It’s a file management in the cloud as you can access your file anywhere, using any PC or even your mobile phone. It also allows you to share files with your friends and family.

ADrive is a feature-rich online storage solution offering up to 50GB free storage for a 14-day trial. It’s a cloud storage system that let you access files anywhere, share files, edit documents online, and FTP file transfer.

A personal storage and file sharing site geared for members of social networks including Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. Allows you to access your files and your friends’ files from within the said social networks. Offers 1GB of free online storage.

Offers an easy-to-use, feature-packed file sharing service that is completely free. Allows you to upload up to 150MB of file per upload. Upgrade features lets you upload 500MB.

Offers a virtual online storage space for storing, accessing, sharing, and backing up your data. Offers a free 30-day trial for up to 30GB storage.

Offers both free and paid account for storing your files. The free Fileden account gives you 1GB of storage space, 50MB maximum file size limit, 50GB of monthly bandwith, and hotlinking of files.

Microsoft Live’s online file storage could possibly your best bet for online storage. Why? It’s from Microsoft, so it must be pretty solid. Offers 25GB of free storage, access anywhere and secure password protection features. It ties up with other Windows Live services as well.

Althoug LiveDrive is currently in beta mode, that should not stop you from trying out their services. It offers unlimited storage for free, works like a normal PC hard drive minus the hardware, synchronizes files on your PC, access your files on your mobile phone, PDA and other devices, and share your files.

A web-based file storage system that offers 20MB free account. If you need more storage, you have to upgrade to a paid account. The site lets you upload, download, and manage files online, access your files from any Internet connected PC.

Offers 6GB of free online storage. It lets you access your files from any location, share files and collaborate with friends. And if you want unlimited storage, it would only costs you $5.

Offers tools for managing and sharing your data online. Allows private sharing of files to select group of people. Its privacy security prevents sharing your files to other people that you don’t share the files with. The site also lets you create photo albums as well as hotlinking to your social networking profiles.

The last online storage site on our list is of course, Box.net which we just covered recently.

5 situs shortener url (penyingkat url)

5 situs layanan penyingkat url - Situs shortener url atau penyingkat url merupakan salah satu tools yang dibutuhkan bagi seorang affiliate marketer dimana mereka mengkamuflasekan link affiliate mereka yang umumnya panjang menjadi url yang singkat sehingga dapat lebih meyakinkan lagi bagi calon pembeli yang tentunya dapat meningkatkan sales mereka, karena umumnya affiliate marketer mereview suatu produk atau jasa yang secara langsung tidak akan menyebutkan sumbernya, begitu juga dengan bisnis online jenis referral link yang juga menggunakan jasa situs shortener link. Namun selain itu situs shortener url ini juga digunakan bagi orang yang tidak suka dengan struktur url yang panjang sehingga bagi mereka di butuhan tools penyingkat url agar kelihatan lebih simpel :).
Sebenarnya layanan penyingkat url banyak di dunia maya, namun kali ini saya akan menginfokan 5 situs shortener url yang cukup populer di kalangan webmaster.
5 situs layanan penyingkat url :

1. goo.gl
Situs penyingkat url ini merupakan bagian dari layanan google.com, jika anda mempunyai akun google maka akan langsung terintegrasi dengan goo.gl, lengkap dengan history pemakaian layanan shortener url ini sehingga kita tidak akan lupa dengan url panjang kita.

2. Tiny URL
Layanan penyingkat url ini cukup populer di kalangan pebisnis online internasional maupun lokal, dan kelebihan tiny url adalah kita dapat memilih url singkat yang kita mau.

3. bit.ly
bit.ly merupakan situs shortener url pertama kali saya kenal, dan situs ini juga mempunyai fitur untuk mentracking dan memberikan info yang detail mengenai traffik , referer dan lokasi ketika url singkat kita sudah digunakan.

4. 3.ly

Nama situsnya juga sudah singkat apalagi dengan hasil url panjang yang kita singkat dengan menggunakan layanan dari 3.ly. Dan situs 3.ly mengklaim bahwa mereka merupakan layanan shortener url yang tersingkat di dunia. Ga ada salahnya sobat blogger mengunakan jasa 3.ly sebagai penyingkat url yang panjang.

5. adf.ly
Layanan shortener url ini bisa menjadi alternatif yang menarik, karena dengan menggunakan jasa adf.ly, anda selain mendapatkan url singkat juga akan di bayar :) apabila ada pengunjung lewat url singkat yang dibuat di adf.ly. Namun tentu saja sebelum masuk ke halaman yang dituju ada iklan yang harus di lihat pengunjung kurang lebih 5 detik sebelum masuk ke halaman yang sebenarnya :)

Nah, tinggal sekarang anda memilih layanan penyingkat url untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis online anda, agar url yang panjang dan tidak menarik akan menjadi lebih simpel dan singkat

Tips Mengatasi BlackBerry Lemot

Bagi Anda yg sering mengeluhkan lemotnya koneksi BlackBerry Anda, mungkin Anda bisa melakukan langkah ini utk memperlancar koneksi BlackBerry dengan setting APN pda masing2 provider dilakukan secara manual pada BlackBerry.


Masuk Options > Advance Options > TCP/IP.

Centang kotak APN setting enable trus di centang juga kotak APN Authentication Enable. Terus di bawahnya ada tulisan username APN and Password APN, silahkan diisi dengan data sesuai Operator dibawah ini:


APN : telkomsel

USER : wap

PASSWORD : wap123


Mentari & Matrix

APN : indosatgprs

USER : indosat

PASSWORD : indosat


APN : www.indosat-m3.net

USER : gprs



APN : www.xlgprs.net

USER : xlgprs

PASSWORD : proxl

3 (Three)

APN : 3gprs

USER : 3gprs

PASSWORD : 3gprs




PASSWORD : 123456

Semoga dengan memasukan APN ini akan membantu Kinerja BlackBerry anda agar lebih cepat lagi, dan tentunya tidak lemot lagi. Sekedar tips, jangan terlalu banyak memasang aplikasi yang terhubung terus dengan intenet. Hal ini juga akan membuat lemot BlackBerry Anda. Selamat mencoba !

Senin, 26 September 2011

Aplikasi penditeksi hantu pada Android

Ghost Radar, demikian nama aplikasi tersebut, terbilang banyak didownload oleh pengguna ponsel berbasis sistem operasi Android di Tanah Air. Aplikasi ini mampu mengisolasi pembacaan elektromagnetik yang tidak biasa dan menafsirkannya. Dengan decoding pembacaan elektromagnetik sebagai ASCII atau Unicode Ghost Radar dapat menunjukkan kata-kata yang tersembunyi dalam pembacaan elektromagnetik di sekitar Anda. Gost Radar ini juga dapat menunjukkan anomali elektromagnetik terdekat dengan menggunakan sensor sampling kecepatan tinggi .

Menurut beritanya. dengan teknologi tersebut, aplikasi ini mampu menampilkan informasi tentang keberadaan hantu di sekitar kita. Tetapi aplikasi ini hanya mendukung bagi pengguna iPhone dan PDA saja .

Tampilan Ghost Radar sama persis layaknya tampilan radar-radar lainnya. Didominasi warna hijau, sensor yang terus bergerak akan menangkap aktifitas yang diduga adalah hantu .

Aplikasi di Android Untuk Mengetik Cepat

Berbagai aplikasi kemudahan ditawarkan di handphone cerdas berplatform Andoird. Kemudahan dengan memerlukan trik dari kita agar ia mengeluarkan kemampuan terbaiknya. Selain itu beberapa trik untuk membantu kita dalam mengetik pesan dengan cepat antara lain adalah :

1. Fitur prediksi Swiftkey

Fitur ini mirip dengan fitur prediksi T9 yang dapat digunakan untuk menebak kata. Swiftkey bahkan bisa secara brilian memprediksi apa yang pengguna ingin katakan. Swiftkey bekerja dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang t elah diketik, lalu menggunakannya sebagai landasan untuk menebak. Program dapat mulai memprediksi setelah pengguna mengetik dua karakter. Kita dapat mengunduh aplikasi ini secara gratis di Android Market.

2. Blind Type

Sesuai dengan namanya, aplikasi Blind Type dibuat agar pengguna dapat mengetik tanpa perlu melihat layar ponsel. Aplikasi ini unik karena dapat menghasilkan tulisan yang pengguna coba katakan meski jari jemari kita menunjuk angka atau huruf yang salah.

3. Google Voice Actions

Fitur yang baru diluncurkan beberapa hari yang lalu ini hanya dapat digunakan di hape berbasis Android 2,2. Google Voice Actions bekerja dengan mengkombinasikan kemampuan mengenali suara dan fungsi pencarian (search) pada ponsel. Sejumlah perintah pada aplikasi ini adalah send text to dan map of. Serta terdapat aplikasi unik yang belum dapat dijalankan di aplikasi lain, seperti note to self, go to dan listen to. Aplikasi ini tersedia secara gratis via Android Market.

Silahkan mencoba aplikasi di Android yang telah kita bahas di atas, yaitu untuk mengetik secara cepat. Semoga bermanfaat.

Tips Menghemat Baterai di Ponsel Android

Mempunyai smartphone idaman kini bisa didapatkan berkat kehadiran sistem operasi Android. Ya, OS berbasis open source ini membuat hampir semua perangkat dengan berbagai harga bisa disematkan dengan OS, dan berlabel 'Smartphone'.

Namun, terkadang kendalanya adalah smartphone berbeda dengan ponsel fitur yang semarak dengan beragam aplikasi. Sehingga kebutuhan ponsel pun tak sekedar lagi menjadi untuk berkomunikasi saja dengan panggilan atau sms.

Banyaknya aplikasi yang hilir masuk ke perangkat genggam Android ini, terkadang membuat ponsel ini menjadi mudah lemah. Pemakaian daya yang berlebihan dan 'mubazir' menjadikan baterai handset Android cepat habis.

Berikut tips sederhana agar baterai Anda dapat bertahan lama, yang okezone rangkum dari berbagai sumber.
1. Matikan aplikasi yang tidak digunakan lagi.
Ponsel ini memang mempunyai fungsi multitasking, sehingga pengguna dapat menjalankan satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lainnya tanpa harus mematikan aplikasi sebelumnya. Di satu sisi memang bagus, namun jeleknya aplikasi yang masih berjalan ini juga memakan energi, meski tidak digunakan.

Untuk melakukan ini, pengguna bisa melakukannya secara manual dengan mematikannya satu-satu. Namun, Anda juga bisa menggunakan aplikasi seperti 'Advanced Task Killer' untuk mematikan, atau menyortir aplikasi mana yang ingin 'dibunuh'.

Selain itu, ada aplikasi lain bernama 'Battery dry to Save Battery'. Aplikasi ini jauh lebih komplit, karena juga memberikan informasi tambahan aplikasi mana saja yang memakan energi besar.

2. Mengurangi kecerahan layar
Anda tidak perlu resolusi pencahayaan yang besar saat siang atau berada di luar ruangan. Jadi, layar di perangkat Anda bisa dikurangi untuk menghemat baterai.

Caranya cukup mudah, masuk ke menu 'setting', lalu pilih 'display, setelah itu pengguna bisa mengatur kontras warna dan rasio kecerahaan.
3. Matikan live wallpaper
Ponsel Android memang sangat keren bila muncul dengan walpaper yang bisa bergerak-gerak. Akan tetapi, sayangnya ini cukup menguras tenaga bagi baterai handsetnya. Ada baiknya Anda cukup mengganti walpaper biasa, untuk mengemat baterai.

4. Mobile network
Komputer dalam genggaman memang disematkan untuk ponsel Android ini, karena kemampuannya untuk menjelajah dunia maya sangat mengagumkan. Tapi bila Anda sedang tidak dalam keadaan online, ada baiknya memang jaringan mobile dimatikan untuk menghemat kondisi.

Caranya, masuk ke menu setting, lalu pilih Wireless and network, setelah itu baru pilih mobile network, kemudian pilih fungsi 'off'.

VB Decompiler

VB Decompiler Lite is a decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code.

Since p-code consists of high-level commands, there is a real possibility to decompile it into the source code (of course, the names of variables and some functions will not be decompiled). VB Decompiler Lite restores source code from p-code as much as possible precisely.

And after some modifications you may try to compile generated code. If a program was compiled into the native code, restoring full source code from machine instructions is not possible. But VB Decompiler Lite can help to analyze the program even in this situation as well.

It contains a powerful disassembler and emulator. This powerful engine tries to decode most assembler instructions to most likely VB commands. Of course, it fails on some optimizations of assembler code and sometimes generate incorrect instructions. But at this time this is a best way to analyze native code applications.

If a program was compiled to .NET assembly, decompiler will recover all tables and modules in managed assembly and disassemble all methods, functions and events using IL disassembler. .NET FrameWork is not needed for decompilation.

In general, VB Decompiler Lite is an ideal tool for analyzing programs and it is perfect if you lose the source code and need to partially restore the project. VB Decompiler Lite is the ideal tool for programs analysis and recovering lost source code.

** Here are some key features of "VB Decompiler Lite":

· Decompiling forms and usercontrols object files
· P-code decompiling
· Disassembling native code procedures
· Syntax coloring in decompiled code
· String reference list and search engine
· Fast decompiling speed



SysAnalyzer is an automated malcode run time analysis application that monitors various aspects of system and process states. SysAnalyzer was designed to enable analysts to quickly build a comprehensive report as to the actions a binary takes on a system. SysAnalyzer can automatically monitor and compare:

* Running Processes
* Open Ports
* Loaded Drivers
* Injected Libraries
* Key Registry Changes
* APIs called by a target process
* File Modifications
* HTTP, IRC, and DNS traffic

SysAnalyzer also comes with a ProcessAnalyzer tool which can perform the following tasks:

* Create a memory dump of target process
* parse memory dump for strings
* parse strings output for exe, reg, and url references
* scan memory dump for known exploit signatures

Full GPL source for SysAnalyzer is included in the installation package.

Stud PE

This application is a portable executable (.exe) editor

Stud_PE is a portable Executables (.exe) editor and features a very easy to use interface.

Stud_Pe also features an extensive list of settings and editing options.

** Here are some key features of "Stud_PE":

view/edit PE basic Header information (DOS also):
· header structures to hexeditor;
view/edit Section Table:
· add new section;
view/edit Directory Table:
· Import/Export Table viewer;
· Import adder;
· Resource viewer/editor (save/replace ico/cur/bmp);
Pe Scanner (PEiD sig database):
· 400 packers/protectors/compilers;
· Task viewer/dumper/killer;
· PEHeader/Binary file compare;
· RVA to RAW to RVA;
· Drag'nDrop shell menu integration;
· Basic HexEditor;



Lets you browse the Web securely while keeping all your browser's functionality for active content

Sandboxie requires neither the disabling nor blocking of functions available to Web sites through the browser. Instead, Sandboxie isolates and quarantines the outcome of whatever the Web site may do to your computer, including the installation of unsolicited software.

There is no trade-off of functionality for security: the Web site can use the full range of active content tools, and if it uses these tools maliciously to install software or otherwise make changes in your computer, then these changes can be easily undone.

Sandboxie has originally been designed to increase the security of browsing with Internet Explorer, however it is just as effective with any other browser, and in fact, any other program. Sandboxie wraps a protection layer around the programs it supervises. It is this layer that intercepts and isolates any changes the programs make to the computer. And this layer is impartial to the specific program it wraps.

Sandboxie was designed as an application that will allow you to isolate and quarantine websites.

When you browse the web, changes occur to your computer system. Most of the time these changes are harmless, like recording the addresses of web sites you have visited (and when), so the browser can help you complete a web address that you type in. Whether these changes are harmless or harmful, they do in fact happen to your computer system.

When you use Sandboxie to protect your browsing session, it catches all these changes just as the browser is about to apply them into your computer system. Sandboxie does record these changes on behalf of the browser, but it records them in a special isolated folder, called the sandbox.

The benefit of having a sandbox is that it ensures your ability to get rid of all changes done by the browser, simply by deleting the sandbox folder.

Another useful feature of Sandboxie is the ability to terminate all sandboxed programs at once. As some web sites tend to pop up three new browser windows for each one you close, you can have Sandboxie close all of them with a click of a button.


Rootkit Unhooker

Rootkit Unhooker - an advanced rootkit detection/removal utility

** Here are some key features of "Rootkit Unhooker":

Service Descriptor Table hooks detection
· Includes Service Descriptor Table hooks removing (unhooking)

SYSENTER/Int 2e hooks detection
· Detection of hooking sysenter instruction handler and system interrupt (IDT) hook

SYSENTER/Int 2e hooks removing (unhooking)
· Restoring original instruction (interrupt) handler

Hidden processes detection
· Detection of processes hidden from Windows API
· Most powerful in the world at current time
· Detection of processes with full path and name (unique)

Hidden processes terminating
· Including force-kill powered by PVASE
· (c) PVASE Process Virtual Address Space Erasing

Hidden processes dumping
· With ability to rebuild file for analysis

Hidden drivers detection
· Detection of drivers hidden from Windows API
· combines four different methods of detection and including special five (c) Stealth Walker technology
· and six (c) KMSE - Kernel Memory Scanning Engine

Hidden drivers dumping
· Unique feature that gives you ability to make dump of selected driver

IRP hooks detection
· Look for "References" column on the Hidden Drivers Detector page

Detection of API-based hooks (Code Hooks Detection)
· Includes most powerful at this time inline (splicing) hooks detection in drivers and libraries. Detected hooks: on functions and on IRP's (for drivers)

Detection of hidden libraries
· As part of Code Hooks Detector page. Displays address (if can be determined) of hidden library

Hidden files detection
· Includes detection of files hidden from Windows API on the disks. Supported file systems are: FAT32 and NTFS (full support - including ADS).

Low level files operation
· Wipe/Copy functions for visible and hidden files (including ADS).

Update system
· Can check our server for program updates

Report generation
· Automatically generates report with all needed information (not huge and useless like in others programs)

Program self-protection
· Contains some methods that are able to prevent some malware from interrupting work of program. Includes internal integrity checking and antidebugging



Regmon is a monitoring utility that will show you which applications are accessing your Registry

Regmon is a Registry monitoring tool that will show you which applications are accessing your Registry, which keys they are accessing, and the Registry data that they are reading and writing - all in real-time.

This advanced utility takes you one step beyond what static Registry tools can do, to let you see and understand exactly how programs use the Registry. With static tools you might be able to see what Registry values and keys changed.

With Regmon you`ll see how the values and keys changed.

Installation and Use
Install Regmon by copying the files to your hard drive, and start it by running Regmon.exe. Menu items and tool bar buttons can be used to toggle on and off monitoring, disable event capturing, control the scrolling of the listview, and save the listview contents to an ASCII file.

Use the Filter dialog, which is accessed with a toolbar button or the Option|Filter/Highlight menu selection, to select what data will be shown in the list view. The '*' wildcard matches arbitrary strings, and the filters are case-insensitive. Only matches shown in the include filter, but that are not excluded with the exclude filter, are displayed. Use ';' to separate multiple strings in a filter (e.g. "regmon;software").

For example, if the include filter is HKLM", and the exclude filter is "HKLMSoftware", all references to keys and values under HKLM, except to those under HKLMSoftware will be monitored.

Wildcards allow for complex pattern matching, making it possible to match specific Registry accesses by specific applications, for example. The include filter "Winword*Windows" would have Regmon only show accesses by Microsoft Word to keys and values that include the word "Windows".

Use the highlight filter specify output that you want to have highlighted in the listview output. Select highlighting colors with Options|Highlight Colors.

Regmon can either timestamp events or show the time elapsed from the last time you cleared the output window (or since you started Regmon). The Options menu and the clock toolbar button let you toggle between the two modes. The button on the toolbar shows the current mode with a clock or a stopwatch. When showing duration the Time field in the output shows the number of seconds it took for the underlying file system to service particular requests.

When you see a Registry value or key in Regmon's output that you want to edit, simply double click on the line that includes the reference (or use the Regedit toolbar button) and Regmon will take you directly to the specific value using Regedit.


quick unpack

The program is intended for fast (in a few seconds) unpacking of packers and simple protectors.

Quick Unpack tries to bypass all possible scramblers/obfuscators and restores redirected import. From the version 1.0 the opportunity of unpacking dll is added. From the version 2.0 the attach process feature added which allows to use Quick Unpack as a dumper and import recoverer. Scripts are also supported from version 2.0 which allows unpacking of more complicated protections. This makes Quick Unpack a unique software product which has no similar analogues in the world!

Use force unpacking tick. When the application is run QuickUnpack waits for the OEP breakpoint to trigger. But sometimes this breakpoint may be triggered several times but only the last one is the correct OEP. Using ForceMode option solves this problem. With this option after the application is run QuickUnpack counts breapoint hits and dumps the application only at the last stop. For DLL-files this option is always ticked and allows to restore relocs.


Process Monitor

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will make Process Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting and malware hunting toolkit.

Process Monitor includes powerful monitoring and filtering capabilities, including:

  • More data captured for operation input and output parameters
  • Non-destructive filters allow you to set filters without losing data
  • Capture of thread stacks for each operation make it possible in many cases to identify the root cause of an operation
  • Reliable capture of process details, including image path, command line, user and session ID
  • Configurable and moveable columns for any event property
  • Filters can be set for any data field, including fields not configured as columns
  • Advanced logging architecture scales to tens of millions of captured events and gigabytes of log data
  • Process tree tool shows relationship of all processes referenced in a trace
  • Native log format preserves all data for loading in a different Process Monitor instance
  • Process tooltip for easy viewing of process image information
  • Detail tooltip allows convenient access to formatted data that doesn't fit in the column
  • Cancellable search
  • Boot time logging of all operations
The best way to become familiar with Process Monitor's features is to read through the help file and then visit each of its menu items and options on a live system.


Process Explorer

Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.

The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded. Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLs loaded.

The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.


PE view

Anywhere PE View is a free tool for exploring PE (Portable Executable) files (EXE, DLL).

With Anywhere PE View, you can inspect all PE headers, view export tables and import tables and resources.


Anywhere PE View can generate HTML reports with all information from headers, export some types of resources (RT_ICO, RT_STRING, AVI) into files and compute the PE checksum.
Platform independence

Anywhere PE View is a cross-platform application. Written entirely in Java, it works on different platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, IBM OS/2 and Linux.

PEiD Explorer

PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files

PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files and currently it can detect more than 470 different signatures in PE files.

PEiD is special in some aspects when compared to other identifiers already out there!

Here are some key features of "PEiD updated":

· It has a superb GUI and the interface is really intuitive and simple.
· Detection rates are amongst the best given by any other identifier.
· Special scanning modes for *advanced* detections of modified and unknown files.
· Shell integration, Command line support, Always on top and Drag'n'Drop capabilities.
· Multiple file and directory scanning with recursion.
· Task viewer and controller.
· Plugin Interface with plugins like Generic OEP Finder and Krypto ANALyzer.
· Extra scanning techniques used for even better detections.
· Heuristic Scanning options.
· New PE details, Imports, Exports and TLS viewers
· New built in quick disassembler.
· New built in hex viewer.
· External signature interface which can be updated by the user.


PE Explorer

PE Explorer provides a UI for exploring and editing the contents of EXE, DLL, ActiveX controls, and other 32-bit executable file formats. PE Explorer comes with a visual resource editor, PE header viewer, automatic UPX and Upack unpackers, exported and imported API function viewer and syntax lookup, digital signature viewer, dependency scanner, and a disassembler. With PE Explorer, you can apply a professional approach to research and reverse engineering of win32 PE executable files. PE Explorer also allows you to remove both debugging information and the base relocation table from an executable, patch a pre-existing binary exe to inject the require administrator info into it so that it would be forced to run as administrator on Windows Vista, providing the application the same operational behavior as in Windows XP.



P32Dasm is a Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 PCode + Native code Decompiler. It can generate String, Numbers, Objects, Import and Export function listing. There is also Jump calculator. For VB Native code executables are generated only MSVBVM, External calls and string references. Usefull for setting BPX, you don't need search in debugger where start some Command Button event. You can generate .map files, which you can import to DataRescue IDA (LoadMap plugin) or to Olly Debugger (MapConv plugin).


OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable.

Special highlights are:

* Intuitive user interface, no cryptical commands
* Code analysis - traces registers, recognizes procedures, loops, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings
* Directly loads and debugs DLLs
* Object file scanning - locates routines from object files and libraries
* Allows for user-defined labels, comments and function descriptions
* Understands debugging information in Borland® format
* Saves patches between sessions, writes them back to executable file and updates fixups
* Open architecture - many third-party plugins are available
* No installation - no trash in registry or system directories

* Debugs multithread applications
* Attaches to running programs
* Configurable disassembler, supports both MASM and IDEAL formats
* MMX, 3DNow! and SSE data types and instructions, including Athlon extensions
* Full UNICODE support
* Dynamically recognizes ASCII and UNICODE strings - also in Delphi format!
* Recognizes complex code constructs, like call to jump to procedure
* Decodes calls to more than 1900 standard API and 400 C functions
* Gives context-sensitive help on API functions from external help file
* Sets conditional, logging, memory and hardware breakpoints
* Traces program execution, logs arguments of known functions
* Shows fixups
* Dynamically traces stack frames
* Searches for imprecise commands and masked binary sequences
* Searches whole allocated memory
* Finds references to constant or address range
* Examines and modifies memory, sets breakpoints and pauses program on-the-fly
* Assembles commands into the shortest binary form
* Starts from the floppy disk

and much, much more!



The iDefense Multipot is a emulation based honeypot designed to capture malicious code which spreads through various exploits across the net.

Design specifications for this project mandated that the captures be done in such a way so that the host machine would require only minimal supervision and would not itself risk getting infected.

Multipot was designed to emulate exploitable services to safely collect malicious code.

Who would use MultiPot and why?

  • ISP’s to monitor their networks
  • Corporate Security personnel to be warned of infections
  • Security researchers to build statistics of Internet health & exploitation
  • Virus researchers to collect new samples of malware in the wild
  • Hobbyists and students to learn more about Internet Security

Malcode Analysis Pack

The Malcode Analyst Pack contains a series of utilities that were found to be necessary tools while doing rapid malcode analysis.

Included in this package are:

• ShellExt - 4 explorer shell extensions
• socketTool - manual TCP Client for probing functionality.
• MailPot - mail server capture pot
• fakeDNS - spoofs dns responses to controlled ip's
• sniff_hit - HTTP, IRC, and DNS sniffer
• sclog - Shellcode research and analysis application
• IDCDumpFix - aids in quick RE of packed applications
• Shellcode2Exe - embeds multiple shellcode formats in exe husk
• GdiProcs - detect hidden processes


LordPE Deluxe

The first GUI PE editor in the world supporting the new PE32+ (64bit) format ?! (only editing support - no rebuilding, dumping, comparing etc.)
* New plugin interface added! You can develop LordPE Dump Engines (LDE) now.
Look at \Docs\LDE.tXt for more information.
* Added LDE: IntelliDump which can dump .NET CLR processes
* Added structure lister for SectionHeaderTable, PE headers and DataDirectories (the "L" buttons)
* Added hex edit buttons (the "H" buttons) in the DataDirectoryTable viewer
* Added PE.OptionalHeader.Magic and PE.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes to the PE editor
* TLSTable DataDirectory is now editable
* Possibility to increment/decrement the number of DataDirectories added
* Etc etc etc...


Import REConstructor

This tool is designed to rebuild imports for protected/packed Win32 executables. It reconstructs a new Image Import Descriptor (IID), Import Array Table (IAT) and all ASCII module and function names. It can also inject into your output executable, a loader which is able to fill the IAT with real pointers to API or a ripped code from the protector/packer (very useful against emulated API in a thunk).

Sorry but this tool is not designed for newbies, you should be familiar a bit with manual unpacking first (some tutorials are easy to find on internet).


- Imports
- An original tree view
- 2 different methods to find original imports (by IAT and/or API calls)
- A *FULL* complete rebuilder (including a new fresh IAT)

- Loader
- An analyzer and ripper of redirected API code
- An injected loader code to support mix of imports + ripped code in a thunk
- A heuristic relocator

- Tracers
- 3 default tracers (disasm, hook & ring3) to find APIs in redirected code
- A plugin interface to develop your own tracers

- Misc
- Support ALL 32/64bits Windows (9x, ME, NT, 2k, XP and Vista32/64)
- An export renormalizer for Win9x/ME (ala Icedump)
- A built-in coloured disasm/hex-viewer to analyze the redirected code
- A built-in dumper
- Support almost all known antidump tricks


HHD Free Hex Editor

Free Hex Editor is award-winning large files optimized freeware editor for everyone who works with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data.

Freeware Hex Editor Neo allows you to view, modify, analyze your hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.

Make patches with just two mouse clicks; manipulate your EXE, DLL, DAT, AVI, MP3, JPG files with unlimited undo/redo. Taste the visual operation history with branching.

This hex and binary code data editing software utility for Windows includes the following basic functionality: Unlimited Undo/Redo; Find; Replace; Visual History Save and Load; Patch Creation; Clipboard Operations; Bytes, Words, Double Words, Quad Words, Floats and Doubles Edit Mode.

Free Hexeditor Neo is the only binary files editor that deals with large files faster than


FileMon for Windows

FileMon is a program that shows information on the files that are being executed in the operating system.

FileMon monitorizes and shows information in real time on the activity of the filing system of a computer. Its advanced capacities make FileMon a powerful tool to observe the way in which Windows works, seeing how the applications use the files and the DLLs, or making a follow-up of the problems of the system or the configuration files of the applications.

FileMon has the capacity to show the exact date (hour, minute, second) in which an action happens: open, read, write or erase.

FileMon is very easy to use, you will be a single expert in minutes. As soon as the application is sent, it will begin to monitorize. The exit by screen can be kept in a file for its later visualization. It has the capacity to search and to filter results


Minggu, 25 September 2011

15 Tips & Trik Ponsel Android

1. Cara mengetahui versi firmware atau OS Android di handset

Untuk mengetahui versi firmware yang terpasang di handset dapat dilakukan dengan melihat ke Launcher Menu > Settings > About phone, info di Firmware version menginfokan versi firmware yang terpasang di handset.

2.Cara men-setting APN untuk kebutuhan akses data internet dan MMS dengan SIM Card Matrix Indosat 3G Broadband

Untuk men-setting apn untuk kebutuhan data internet dan mms dapat dilakukan dengan ke Launcher Menu > Settings > Wireless controls > Mobile network settings > Access Point Names diteruskan dengan menekan tombol Menu dan New APN. Masukan dua parameter berikut:

Untuk seting dengan menggunakan kartu Indosat

Name : Indosat 3G
APN : indosat3g
Username : indosat
Password : indosat
MCC : 510
MNC : 01
APN type : default

Name : Indosat MMS
APN : indosatmms
Username : indosat
Password : indosat
MMSC : http://mmsc.indosat.com
MMS proxy :
MMS port : 8080
MMS protocol : wap 2.0
MCC : 510
MNC : 01
APN type : mms

Bagi pengguna di luar Matrix 3G Broadband, untuk info APN, yang harus di-setting buat akses data internet adalah indosatgprs. Sedangkan bagi pengguna Matrix (0855/bright) dan IM3 untuk nilai MNC yang harus di-setting adalah MNC: 21.

3.Cara mengetahui total size storage yang tersisa di internal handset dan SD Card

Untuk melihat total size storage yang tersisa pada handset dan SD Card yang terpasang dapat dilihat di Launcher Menu > Settings > SD card & phone storage. Di sana akan diinformasikan total storage yang tersisa untuk internal handset storage dan SD Card.

4.Cara memasukan data document, foto dan lainnya ke dalam SD Card di handset

Agar dapat memasukan file ke dalam SD Card di handset dapat dilakukan dengan cara menyambungkan handset ke PC/laptop melalui kabel USB dilanjutkan dengan menarik ke bawah notification bar di paling atas home screen pada handset. Pilih USB connected dilanjutkan dengan menekan pilihan tombol mount hingga di PC/laptop akan muncul pop-up windows atau removable disk dan diteruskan dengan mengkopi file yang ingin ditaruh di SD Card handset.

Setelah menaruh file ke SD Card, untuk men-disable-kan mapping SD Card di PC/laptop dapat dilakukan dengan menarik ke bawah notification bar di paling atas home screen pada handset kembali dan pilih turn off USB storage dan tekan tombol off.

5.Cara agar dapat men-set jaringan yang digunakan selalu ke jaringan 2G (GSM only)

Untuk men-set agar jaringan yang digunakan selalu 2G network dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu:
Masuk ke Launcher Menu > Settings > Wireless controls > Mobile network settings, contreng “Use only 2G networks”
Masuk ke phone dan tekan *#*#INFO#*#* atau *#*#4636#*#*, setelah itu masuk ke Phone information dan set preferred network type ke GSM Only.

6. Cara login google account di android handset

Untuk dapat login atau menggunakan google account dapat dilakukan dengan membuka salah satu aplikasi google yang ada di handset, misal aplikasi gmail, gtalk dan market. Saat pertama kali salah satu aplikasi tersebut dijalankan kita akan diminta untuk memasukan user dan password akun google kita.

7.Cara mereset kembali handset ke seperti semula ketika baru membelinya (factory data reset)

Factory data reset atau mengembalikan ke setting default handset dapat dilakukan dengan masuk ke Launcher Menu > Settings > Security dilanjutkan dengan memilih/menekan Factory data reset.

8.Cara mengganti google user account yang sedang digunakan di handset

Untuk mengantinya kita harus sign out dari Google account yang sedang digunakan setelah itu login kembali dengan user lainnya. Untuk sign out dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu :
Masuk ke Launcher Menu > Setting > Applications > Manage application dan di aplikasi Gmail, Gmail storage, Google Apps & Google search lakukan clear data setelah itu login dengan user yang baru
Dengan melakukan factory data reset, tetapi dengan cara ini semua data dan aplikasi yang terinstal di luar bawaan handset yang berada internal storage akan terhapus sehingga sebaiknya lakukan backup data dengan aplikasi backup/restore sebelum melakukannya

9.Cara mem-forward SMS yang didapat

Forward SMS dapat dilakukan dengan menekan dan tahan pesan yang ingin di-forward hingga muncul menu pilihan forward SMS dan setelah itu masukan nomor tujuan yang hendak dikirim.

10.Cara menginstal aplikasi dari file *.apk yang sudah didownload

Sebelum menginstal sebuah file *.apk dari sebuah aplikasi, pastikan ke Launcher Menu > Settings > Application > Unknown source sudah dicontreng. Setelah itu lakukan:
Taruh file *.apk dari aplikasi di SD Card
Instal aplikasi Astro File Manager yang dapat diunduh dan dinstal dari market
Klik file *.apk di tempat file tersebut ditaruh
Tunggu hingga aplikasi selesai diinstal

11.Cara mengganti mode ringtone menjadi silence & vibrate di handset

Untuk mengganti ke mode ringtone menjadi silence dan vibrate dapat dilakukan dengan menekan dan menahan tombol power hingga keluar menu dan diteruskan dengan memilih silence atau vibrate. Untuk menghidupkan kembali ke menu berbunyi, lakukan hal yang sama seperti sebelumnya.

12. Cara supaya data contact di Microsoft outlook dapat dipindahkan ke contact di handset

Untuk memindahkan data contact yang disimpan di Microsoft Outlook dapat dilakukan dengan mengexport data di contact Microsoft Outlook menjadi file csv dimana setelah itu data tersebut diimport ke contact yang ada di web Gmail sehingga data tersebut akan dicatat di handset ketika proses synchronize Gmail berjalan.

13. Cara memindahkan contact yang ada di sim card ke contact di handset

Untuk mengkopi data contact yang ada di simcard dapat dilakukan dengan menekan tombol menu di handset dan masuk ke Import/Export dimana setelah itu pilih Import from SIM Card dari menu pilihan yang keluar.

14. Cara mematikan T9 di keyboard

Untuk men-disable-kan T9 ketika mengetik dapat dilakukan dengan masuk ke Launcher Menu > Settings > Language & keyboard > Android keyboard, lakukan untick pada Prediction atau Suggestion.

15. Cara jika ingin menambahkan ringtone ke handset

Nada dering atau ringtone dapat ditambahkan di luar apa yang telah diberikan di handset. Salah satu caranya yaitu dengan membuat direktori yang diberi nama media di SD Card, di mana di dalam direktori media buat pula direktori ringtones untuk nada dering telepon yang ingin ditambahkan, direktori notifications untuk nada dering notifikasi, dan direktori alarms untuk nada dering alarms yang digunakan. Taruh file ringtone yang ingin ditambahkan sesuai dengan direktori nada dering akan digunakan.
( rou / wsh )

MiTeC EXE Explorer

This application is based on MiTeC Portable Executable Reader. It reads and displays executable file properties and structure. It is compatible with PE32 (Portable Executable), PE32+ (64bit), NE (Windows 3.x New Executable) and VxD (Windows 9x Virtual Device Driver) file types. .NET executables are supported too.

It enumerates introduced classes, used units and forms for files compiled by Borland compilers.
It contains powerfull Resource Viewer that is able to abalyze and display al basic resouce types and some extra ones as JPEG, PNG, GIF, AVI, REGISTRY. It contains excellent Type Library viewer that enumerates all objects and creates import interface unit in Object Pascal language. Every type of resource can be saved to file.
EXE Explorer produces text report with all important information about selected file.
Searching capability is also available. It searches all resources that can be interpreted as text.

Here are enumerated structures that are evaluated:
  • DOS, File, Optional and CLR headers
  • CLR Metadata streams
  • Sections
  • Directories
  • Imports
  • Exports
  • Resources
  • ASCII and Unicode Strings
  • .NET Metadata
  • Load Config
  • Debug
  • Thread Local Storage
  • Exceptions
  • Units
  • Forms
  • Packages
  • Classes
  • Flags
  • Version Info
  • Hexadecimal File Content View

BinText 3.00

Finds Ascii, Unicode and Resource strings in a file
The BinText application was designed to be a small, very fast and powerful text extractor that will be of particular interest to programmers. It can extract text from any kind of file and includes the ability to find plain ASCII text, Unicode (double byte ANSI) text and Resource strings, providing useful information for each item in the optional "advanced" view mode. Its comprehensive filtering helps prevent unwanted text being listed. The gathered list can be searched and saved to a separate file as either a plain text file or in informative tabular format.

Useful tip: Place a shortcut to Bintext in your WindowsSendTo folder so that you can automatically send files to BinText by right-clicking on their names and choosing Send To -> BinText from the drop-down menu. You can set this up by right-clicking on bintext.exe, selecting Copy then open up your WindowsSendTo folder, right click the mouse and select Paste


DAMN Hash calculator

One of the tools I like to drag along everywhere I go.

DAMN's Hash calculator is a light weight hashing tool. it does text and files, and quite a few hashing algorithms (for those of you wondering what it does). Its one of those things that just come in handy from time to time.

A little while ago, my old computer totally died, and with it everything I had on it. I used to have it on one of my web servers, but had taken it off just before the old system died. Luckily I had given it to a buddy of mine, who used to work where I work now, and the other day I was looking for this at home, and couldn't find it. My friend uploaded it to some public network shares here at work so I was able to get it back, but its kind of hard to chase this thing down.


Autoruns for Windows

This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor, shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more. Autoruns goes way beyond the MSConfig utility bundled with Windows Me and XP.

Autoruns' Hide Signed Microsoft Entries option helps you to zoom in on third-party auto-starting images that have been added to your system and it has support for looking at the auto-starting images configured for other accounts configured on a system. Also included in the download package is a command-line equivalent that can output in CSV format, Autorunsc.

You'll probably be surprised at how many executables are launched automatically!



Jika anda pernah menghapus sebuah file di windows, dan tidak mengetahui apa fungsi program tersebut, unlocker adalah solusinya. Pernahkah anda melihat pesan error windows berikut?

* Cannot delete folder (Tidak dapat menghapus folder): sedang digunakan oleh orang lain atau program lain
* Cannot delete file (Tidak dapat menghapus file) : ajkses diragukan
* There has been a sharing violation (Sudah dilakukan pelanggaran)
* The source or destination file may be in use (Source atau file tujuan kemungkinan sedang digunakan)
* The file is in use by another program or user (File sedang digunakan oleh program atau pengguna lain)
* Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use (Pastikan disk tidak penuh atau write-protected dan file tidak sedang digunakan.)

Unlocker dapat mengatasinya. Klik kanan saja folder atau file dan pilih unlocker. Jika folder atau file dikunci, list pengunci windows akan ditampilkan, klik saja unlock all dan selesai!

untuk download unlocker silahkan klik link download dibawan ini:



opening soon

Mempercepat Kerja Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla memang salah satu aplikasi browsing tercepat di bandingkan yang lainnya, tetapi ternyata masih ada tips tersembunyi yang dapat membuat kecepatan browsing mozilla lebih cepat sepuluh kali lipat:

Sangat simple dan tidak memerlukan software tambahan untuk mengerjakannya.

1. Buka Mozilla Firefox

2. Ketik "About:config" pada alamat url
3. setelah itu lalu ketik "network.http.pipelining" pada kolom filter
lalu klik 2 kalipada kata false dan akan terganti otomatis menjadi true

4. Ketik kembali "network.http.proxy.pipelining" pada kolom filter lalu klik 2 kali pada kata false dan akan terganti otomatis menjadi true

5. Ketik lagi "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" pada kolom filter
dan ubah angka 4 menjadi angka 30 dengan cara mengkliknya 2 kali
lalu klik OK

6. Langkah terakhir,
- klik kanan pada sembarang tempat, lalu pilih New --> Integer.
- Buat nama baru: "nglayout.initialpaint.delay"
- Hapus angka 300
- dan set angkanya menjadi "0" lalu klik OK

Semoga bermanfaat

Selasa, 20 September 2011

AVG Internet Security 2011

  • Protection that actually speeds up your PC
  • Block hackers and stop identity thieves
  • Award winning Anti-Virus that just works
  • Gaming and surfing without interruptions
  • Keep messaging free of spam, worms and scams
  • Surf and search the web safely
  • Share your life on Facebook, not viruses

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Tips Cepat Cara Partisi Windows 7 Tanpa Software

Ikutilah langkahnya step by step :

1. Klik kanan pada My Computer -> klik Manage

2. Akan keluar jendela Computer Management

3. Klik pada Storage bar kemudian pilih Disk Management

4. Kemudian pilih Drive yang akan di partisi, misal drive E:

5. Sekarang klik kanan pada drive E: dan pilih Shrink Volume

6. Tentukan kapasitas yang Anda inginkan (ingat bahwa angka 1000 yang anda masukkan berarti 1 GB), misalnya Anda masukkan 200, maka sama dengan 200 MB.

7. Setelah menentukan kapasitasnya klik shrink dan tunggulah beberapa saat, akan muncul partisi berukuran 200 MB tetapi dalam kondisi Unalocated karena belum di format

8. Formatlah partisi baru tersebut dengan cara klik kanan pada partisi Unalocated tadi kemudian pilih new simple volume wizard,

9. Muncul New simple volume wizard klik next

10. Muncul jendela specify volume size klik next lagi

11. Muncul jendela assign drive letter or path klik next lagi.

12. Muncul jendela format partition. Pada file system pilih saja NTFS, kemudian pada volume label isikan nama label drive partisi anda”, kemudian klik next.

13. Muncul jendela completing the new simple volume wizard klik finish

semoga membantu Anda.

Cara Mudah Mereset Password User Windows

Mungkin anda pernah mengalami kejadian seperti ini ? Lupa password untuk login di komputer. Bingung dan panik, mungkin itu yang anda rasakan pada saat itu. Bingung karena dihadapkan pada pilihan antara instal ulang windows atau tidak, padahal data yang ingin kita ambil itu sangat penting dan harus ada pada saat itu juga. Tenang saja semoga tips ini bisa membantu teman-teman yang menghadapi masalah tersebut.

1. Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah me-restart Windows anda dan pada saat booting tekanlah F8 untuk masuk ke menu Windows Advanced Options Menu.

2. Ada sekitar 11 options yang bisa kita pilih, seperti Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Enable Boot Logging, Enable VGA Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, Directory Services Restore Mode, Debugging Mode, Disable automatic restart on system failure, Start Windows Normally, dan Reboot.

3. Kemudian pilih menu Safe Mode. Setelah Options Safe Mode dipilih, maka windows akan me-load driver-driver standart windows.

4. Setelah windows selesai me-load driver tersebut, akan muncul menu Login dan dilayar akan tampak user name Administrator dan user anda sendiri.

5. Pilih user name Administrator. Biasanya user name Administrator tidak menggunakan password.

6. Setelah anda login, akan tampil sebuah reminder kalau windows dijalankan dalam option Safe Mode.

7. Akan tampil desktop dengan resolusi yang rendah yaitu 640×480 pixels. Di setiap sudut layar akan telihat tulisan Safe Mode.

8. Kemudian Klik Start > Control Panel > User Account. Setelah itu pilih user name anda.

9. Setelah user name anda terpampang dalam layar monitor, pilih menu Remove my Password. Setelah selesai, reboot kembali windows anda seperti biasa.

10. Setelah tampil menu Login, klik user name anda, dan tidak ada lagi password yang diperlukan untuk Login di user name anda. Setelah proses loading telah selesai, anda bisa men-create kembali password dari Control Panel.

Sangat mudah bukan, jadi gak usah bingung dan panik lagi.

Selamat Mencoba

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