Clean up and repair
Disk Cleaner
Removes junk data from the disks and recovers disk space.
Registry Cleaner
Cleans up the registry to improve the system's performance.
Shortcut Fixer
Corrects the errors in the start menu and desktop shortcuts.
Uninstall Manager
Uninstalls programs completely that the user doesn't need any more.
Optimize and improve
Startup Manager
Manages programs which run automatically on startup.
Memory Optimizer
Monitors and optimizes free memory in the background.
Context Menu Manager
Manages the context-menu entries for files, folders and actions.
Registry De-fragment
De-fragments the Windows registry to speed up the computer.
Privacy and security
Tracks Eraser
Erases all the traces, evidences, cookies, internet history and more.
File Shredder
Erases files permanently so that nothing can recover them.
File Undelete
Quick and effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files.
File Encrypter and Decrypter
Protects the users files from unauthorized use.
Files and folders
Disk Analysis
Shows you the disk space usage of the users files and folders.
Duplicate Files Finder
Searches for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files.
Empty Folder Finder
Finds and removes empty folders in the computer.
File Splitter and Joiner
Sp;its large files into smaller manageable files, and then re-joins them.
System tools
Process Manager
Monitors running processes and optionally stops them.
Internet Explorer Assistant
Manages Internet Explorer Add-ons and restores hijacked settings.
System Information
Collects information about the user's hardware and software.
Windows Standard Tools
Provides direct access to the useful windows default functions.
Download Glary Utilities
Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Glary Utilities

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