Senin, 26 September 2011


SysAnalyzer is an automated malcode run time analysis application that monitors various aspects of system and process states. SysAnalyzer was designed to enable analysts to quickly build a comprehensive report as to the actions a binary takes on a system. SysAnalyzer can automatically monitor and compare:

* Running Processes
* Open Ports
* Loaded Drivers
* Injected Libraries
* Key Registry Changes
* APIs called by a target process
* File Modifications
* HTTP, IRC, and DNS traffic

SysAnalyzer also comes with a ProcessAnalyzer tool which can perform the following tasks:

* Create a memory dump of target process
* parse memory dump for strings
* parse strings output for exe, reg, and url references
* scan memory dump for known exploit signatures

Full GPL source for SysAnalyzer is included in the installation package.

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